
These are my favorite resources in the world of Data Science & beyond.

✏️ Courses // Education


Data Science only really began to click after I started using DataCamp's Python Career Track. I didn't complete all of it but there are 88 hours of great resources and 6 projects that you can complete in a snappy UI.

I also highly recommend their Intro to Git course. Many Data Scientists don't need Git in certain roles depending on how their organization operates, but if your next role requires it, then you may feel quite behind.

Georgia Tech

I've enjoyed the 11 courses I've taken as a part of MS, Analytics curriculum at Georgia Tech. I came to Data Science from a Economics and Statistics background, so Georgia Tech helped fill in some gaps in my knowledge base. Feel free to setup 30 with me at my Calendly link, I'd love to chat about my thoughts on the program!

📚 Books

Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward R. Tufte

Signal and the Noise by Nate Silver


Mindfulness by Joseph Goldstein

📁 Productivity // Organization

I'm very passionate about how we can make our work day work better for us.


Open-source program for notetaking and writing in markdown that syncs across all devices.

Break Timer for Mac & Windows

Open-source break timer that takes over my whole screen every 52 minutes of straight work for a 17-minute break. The breaks are based on researched outlined in this themuse article.


Free to-do list app that syncs to my google calendar. This allows me to create blocks of time and plan out my work between meetings.


...optimizes your calendar to free up blocks of uninterrupted time.

It also reschedules meetings if others have their calendar linked so that you both can create more uninterrupted time.

These blocks are called "focus time" and help you block out periods of uninterrupted work. I've found it helps setup time for flow, and periods where I really just need to get back to programming.